How much would one new commercial client, be worth to you?
B2B Sales Generation

B2B Sales Generation
6 hoops you won’t want to jump through, when approaching a big company for work.
Have you noticed, some folk are just plain rude?
Heaven knows what their mother taught them. They seem to enjoy making other people’s lives a misery.
Don’t get me wrong. Most secretaries and receptionists are nice helpful people.
Others – well, you wouldn’t like to meet them, in a dark alley.
* When it comes to ‘Getting In’, it’s the receptionists and secretaries who can be your greatest allies.
Or your biggest enemies.
Using a referral letter that teases them into an appointment - Getting into the bigger companies for the regular work they dish out.
Do you fertilise your 'Word of Mouth'?
Yuck Paul, what do you mean? . . . The whole idea of fertilising has to do with manure?
You know, like animal faeces.
Word of Mouth has to do with MOUTH right.
Mixing the two, doesn't endear me to your imagination, does it.
Well, now I have your attention, let me tell you a story.
I’ll get straight to the point (you'd prefer that wouldn't you ;-).
Mailing out, to a bunch of bigger businesses, in order to get work from them, can be soul destroying.
If you have, you know what I'm talking about.
If you haven't, hang onto your seat. The ride is rough