Debt Recovery collections - absolutely FREE
Watch this video about what happens to tradies and small business owners when debtors refuse to pay.
Watch how this firm does all the fighting for free. No court appearances. No hassle.
Hear what you need to do to make it easy on yourself - and get paid!
Yes, I know, it sounded too good to be true to me too! But it's genuine.
(No, he hasn't offered me a thing for interviewing him or recommending his service)
[If you are reading this outside New South Wales, you may have to ask Brett if he has connections in other states or countries]
[If not, then Google - 'debt collection no win no fee in <insert your state or country>' and be sure to ask this one question of the law firm - "do I pay anything if the debtor in this Small Claim goes bankrupt?"]
Why am I smiling?
I am holding 3 years of my free 'Client Assessment Questionaires'.
That's nearly 1000 interviews with tradespeople and small business owners. 18 questions, to give me (and them) a snapshot of the health of their business.
Just recently my wonderful wife helped me collate the answers of just 2 of the questions:
'What is it you like about being self employed?' and
'What bugs you the most about working for yourself?'
One of my favourite quotes comes from John Maxwell:
"Smart leaders learn fron their own mistakes. Smarter ones learn from others mistakes - and successes"
Debt recovery discovery.
I discovered from these 1000 surveys is what bugs tradies and small buisness people.
Chasing people for money.
Are you sick of chasing people for money?
Well, What about a legal service that does it all for FREE?
Yes a FREE debt recovery service.
No cost to you
No court appearances for you
Even when the client finds fault with something they think you have done or not done -
you still get paid.
Watch this YouTube video interview:
For more great ideas on Debt Recovery and Hints & Tips for your small business, fill in the simple form below:
Emails You Can Trust
This is all part of 'The Debt Recovery Tool Kit'.
It does suck doesn't it.
You've worked your a** off listening to what they wanted and you know you completed the job the way it should be done but they are now refusing to pay you.
Debt Recovery Tool Kit - FREE.
(because chasing people for money SUCKS!!)
To go to your FREE Debt Recovery Tool Kit, click on the tool box above. (If that link doesn't work, would you hit the 'reply' button to let me know).
If it didn't work click on the link below:

Here's the other link, if the image link above didn't work:
Here's to your cash flow!
Paul Johnson
p.s. By the way [fname], who do you know, who has to chase people for money?
I'm OK for you to forward this email on to them - they'd probably thank you for it.
Want to learn more about Debt Recovery and a heap of small business hints and tips?
If you are not already receiving my reports, fill in the boxes below:
Emails You Can Trust